launch_ros_sandbox Status

launch_ros_sandbox is a roslaunch2 extension.

Using launch_ros_sandbox, you can define launch files running nodes in restrained environments, such as Docker containers or separate user accounts with limited privileges.

Package documentation



launch_ros_sandbox requires Docker to be installed on your machine and that your user can execute docker commands.

Check that your current user account is a member of the docker group:

groups | grep docker

If docker is not listed, add yourself to the group using:

sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Binary Packages

launch_ros_sandbox is not yet available as a binary package using APT or any other method.

Installing from source

Dashing (dashing-devel branch)

This is the recommended way to install this software.

  • Install ROS 2 Dashing on your machine following the official instructions. We recommend you use the official binary packages for your platform, if available.
  • Checkout the code source and compile it as follow:
# If you use bash or zsh, source setup.bash or setup.zsh, instead of
source /opt/ros/dashing/
mkdir -p ~/ros2_dashing_ros_launch_sandbox_ws/src
cd ros2_dashing_ros_launch_sandbox_ws
# Clone this package repository using vcs.
curl | vcs import src/
# Use colcon to compile launch_ros_sandbox code and all its dependencies
colcon build --packages-up-to launch_ros_sandbox

Latest (unstable development - master branch)

Please follow those instructions if you plan to contribute to this repository.

  • Install all software dependencies required for ROS 2 development by following the ROS 2 documentation.
  • Checkout the code source and compile it as follow:
mkdir -p ~/ros2_latest_ros_launch_sandbox_ws/src
cd ros2_latest_ros_launch_sandbox_ws
# Use vcs to clone all required repositories
curl | vcs import src/
curl | vcs import src/
# Use colcon to compile launch_ros_sandbox code and all its dependencies
colcon build --packages-up-to launch_ros_sandbox


A working example is provided in examples/


Creating a sandboxed node is very similar to creating a regular launch file.

Add a SandboxedNodeContainer() action like you would with a regular launch file, but make sure to provide the sandbox_name and policy. Adding nodes is also similar to regular launch files, however, you should use launch_ros_sandbox.descriptions.SandboxedNode() instead.

A launch file with nodes running as a certain user would look like:

   def generate_launch_description() -> launch.LaunchDescription:
      ld = launch.LaunchDescription()

                        package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='talker'),
                        package='demo_nodes_cpp', node_executable='listener')


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.

Build Status

ROS 2 Release Branch Name Development Source Debian Package X86-64 Debian Package ARM64 Debian Package ARMHF Debian package
Latest master N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dashing dashing-devel Build Status Build Status Build Status N/A N/A